dAN's World

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Yeah, you probably shouldn't have entered this page....well, too late now!

dAN has graciously displayed information on this site to help you better understand all things dAN.

dAN is a man of enormous magnitude who is willing to share the great gift of his existence with all who are lucky enough to behold him.

dAN is here to help with...


If you're driving down the road and you notice your 15 year old Buick is suddenly riding like it's on air, you might want to look out the window to see if you drove off a cliff.


Laughter IS the best medicine; that's why the insurance conglomerates are lobbying congress to make us pay for it in our premiums.


Music can tame the wildest beast. Too bad it can't potty-train my kids....

Bass playing Discussions

I've played all kinds of basses; Fender, Music Man, Ibanez, Rickenbacker, Yamaha; too many to remember. I've had good gear but little skill and lots of skill but only bad gear; I've played in front of thousands of excited kids and in front of 12 old people who looked like they would rather be at their favorite Denny's catching the early bird special; I've played for God and I've played for money; and I can safely say the one true constant through it all has been....hold on a sec, I've got a call.....yes, this is dAN.....yes......waitaminit. I thought the special came with two toppings and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew....yes....30 minutes? I'll be waiting. Say 'Hi' to Chuck for me.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes. As I was saying, you really shouldn't have clicked on this page, but there's nothing you can do about it now.

Why focus on Basses?

Because I feel like it, that's why. I really don't want you to know about my personal life, and it would just bore you anyway. I know every time I read about anybody else's personal life, I get bored. So, it the spirit of my superiority, I have wisely chosen to save you, my humble fan, unnecessary reading pain.

Hey, lefty bass players! Go to my Gear Page and drool!

Or weep in pity for me; whichever suits you.